Say goodbye to cold floors and high heating bills with an innovative basement floor insulation system installed by Peritus Spray Foam Insulation!
Many slab-on-grade buildings in northern climates do not have adequate insulation around the foundation, especially at the slab. The lack of insulation or improper placement allows cold to be conducted into the building at floor level. In the past, a cool slab edge could be felt but not seen. Today, thermal imagers can easily see and quantify slab temperatures.
Insulating under concrete using spray foam will control heat loss through the floor, also provide a warmer, more comfortable floor on which to walk and live.
Copyright 2017, Building Science Corporation
These images illustrate typical approaches for slab on grade insulation. Review your local residential or commercial building code for specific details such as R-value and dimensions.
Insulating under concrete using spray foam will control heat loss through the floor, also provide a warmer, more comfortable floor on which to walk and live.
Basements that are built on insulated concrete slabs will be more comfortable to occupy for extended periods of time, making it easier to use the floor area for bedrooms, kitchens, even whole separate suites.
A poorly insulated foundation can result in a large heat loss from an otherwise tightly sealed, well-insulated house. Foundation insulation can result in lower heating requirements, and also helps in avoiding water vapor condensation problems.
A poorly designed foundation insulation system can cause many problems such as radon infiltration, moisture problems, and insect infestation.
Closed-cell polyurethane provides a vapor barrier and good R-value in a single application. Going on much faster than foam board with a superior seamless application.